Evaluation of the Implementation of Online Learning during the Pandemic at SETUKPA LEMDIKLAT POLRI
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the input stages of antecedents, transactions process, and outcomes in education and training as one of the programs in SETUKPA LEMDIKLAT POLRI. This type of research is qualitative using the Countenance Stake evaluation model which consists of three stages, namely: antecedents, transactions, and outcomes. The subjects in this study consisted of 30 trainees who were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected through interviews, and observations. The results showed that at the antecendent evaluation stage, educators are still lacking in innovating online learning planning adjustments with models or learning schemes that are planned in advance. At the transaction evaluation stage, indicators of online learning strategies and interactive online learning do not meet the evaluation standards. The training participants stated that it was less than optimal and the synchronous interaction that occurred in the online KBM conducted by the Setukpa Lemdiklat Polri. At the outcome evaluation stage, indicators of student satisfaction with online learning, not meet the specified standards. This can be seen from the absence of a discussion forum to measure the satisfaction of online learning activities that are followed by students and the absence of online learning assessments by Gadik in the Setukpa Lemdiklat POLRI environment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i8.2894
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