Social Entrepreneurship Canvas Business Model to Improve Family Welfare: A Case Study of the Culinary Business of “Special Fried Quail” at Purwareja Klampok Banjarnegara

Barmen Brevis Lumbantoruan, Perminas Pangeran


This study aimed to develop an entrepreneurial canvas model through evaluating the nine components of the canvas business model to support the empowerment and welfare of culinary business’ members of the Special Fried Quail in Purwareja Klampok District, Banjarnegara and to develop a social entrepreneurship business model. The research strategy was a quantitative case study with an evaluation method. Data collection techniques were carried out using a questionnaire. The analysis model used a Logic Model framework (input, activities, output, and outcome) and a canvas business model. The results of the evaluation research showed that the business model’s orientation was more incline towards commercial business. As its implication, the Special Fried Quail culinary business model’s development in the future would be more directed to the social entrepreneurship business model in order to improve family welfare.


Logic Model; Canvas Business Model; Social Entrepreneurship

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