The Influence of Parenting Patterns and Self-Concepts on Students' Entrepreneurial Interests

Bobby Andrian, Pargito Pargito, Risma Margaretha Sinaga


The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the influence of Parenting Patterns and Self-Concepts on Entrepreneurial Interests both partially and simultaneously. Research is included in quantitative descriptive research. The results showed there is a real influence of parenting patterns on entrepreneurial interests can be shown with the value of R square = 0.361 or 36.1 %. So, if the parenting pattern is raised it will increase the interest of students by 36.1% or the contribution of parenting patterns to entrepreneurial interests by 36.1%.  The influence of self-concept on students' entrepreneurial interests can be shown by a value of R sqaure= 0.347 or 34.7%. this means that the concept of self-concept to the entrepreneurial interests of students by 34.7% and the influence of parenting patterns and self-concepts have an influence on students' entrepreneurial interests by 36.3% and the remaining 63.7% is influenced by other factors that are not studied.


Parenting Patterns; Self-Concepts; Entrepreneurial Interests

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