The strategy of the Development of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) - Based Agriculture in the District Juli Bireuen

Teuku Qadarisman, Zakiah Zakiah, Suyanti Kasimin


Rural economic development is an important thing to do given the national economic development should start from the village. One of the efforts that can be done to develop the economy of the village is through entrepreneurship village, which can be the strategy in the development and growth of the welfare of the village community. Entrepreneurship village can be developed through the establishment of Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes). Rural regions that can not be separated from the agricultural sector, with the importance of the role of agricultural sector to the economy of the country, then the business BUMDes needs to be directed or developed with the activities of the agriculture-based businesses. The results obtained from this research is that BUMDes-based agriculture in the Juli District, Bireun District is in quadrant IV (diversify activities). In this quadrant the position of the organization is in the market is very small and the growth rate is low, therefore it is necessary to diversify the business. This position indicates an organization is weak and facing a big challenge. The recommendations of the given strategy is a survival strategy, meaning that the internal conditions of the organization is on the choice of a dilemma. Therefore, organizations are advised to use a defensive strategy, control of the performance of the internal so not getting mired. This strategy is maintained while continuing to attempt to fix themselves.


BUMDes; Village; Agriculture

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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa



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