Development of Mind Mapping-Based E-Book in Steam for Skills Skills of Grade VI Elementary School Students
This research aims to develop a Mind Mapping-Based E-Book in steam learning science lesson materials by considering the characteristics, feasibility, and effectiveness of its use in elementary school classes. Tests are conducted to material experts, media experts, and students. The model used as the basis for the development of Mind Mapping-Based E-Book is ADDIE with its steps Analyze, Design, Develop, implement and evaluate. Data analysis techniques are observations and questionnaires. Based on the test results, the material expert validation results showed the material is classified as a very good category with a score of 82.62%. Media quality by linguists is classified as very good with a 90% score category. Media quality by media experts is classified as very good with a score of 85% teacher response test results fall into the category of excellent with a score of 87%. Based on the percentage of score scored it appears that Mind Mapping-based E-Books are well-category and worth using.
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