Development of Local History Textbook of Tulang Bawang to Improve Historical Thinking Skills in Eleventh Grade Students Majoring in Social Science at SMA Negeri 1 Dente Teladas
This study developed a textbook for the Local History of Tulang Bawang to improve the historical thinking skills of eleventh-grade social science students. This study is development research employing the ADDIE model as its development design with the following stages: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. The trial subjects consisted of expert trials consisting of material experts, media experts, and small group trials involving 6 students. Then, field trials were carried out in the eleven-social-one class as a treatment class. The data were collected through questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The obtained data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Product effectiveness was tested by comparing the historical thinking skills of students in eleven science one class as the experimental class and eleven science two as the control class. The results of the study found that 1) the local history textbook of Tulang Bawang was developed using the ADDIE model steps. 2) The local history textbook of Tulang Bawang was able to improve historical thinking skills. After using development products, there was a difference in learning outcomes of 0.50 with moderate criteria indicating that the development product is effective in improving students’ historical thinking skills. 3) The learning activities of eleven social one class which used the Tulang Bawang local history textbook were more effective than the eleven social two class which did not use the Tulang Bawang local history textbook.
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