Reception of Investigation Principles According to ILO’s International Labor Standards on Labor in Indonesia

Fauzan Fauzan


The position between workers and workers in labor law always places an unbalanced position, where the position of workers will always be in a weak position. In the dispute over industrial relations disputes regulated in Law Number 2 of 2004 the basis for evidence is based on Article 163 HIR (Herzien Indonesis Reglement)/ 283 RBg (Rechtsreglement Buitengewesten) / 1865 BW (burgerlijk wetboek voor Indonesie). The provisions of this Article give rise to injustice about the reverse evidence that has been established by the International Labor Organization (ILO) through international labor standards and other ILO legal instruments regarding reverse proof in cases of dismissal, Freedom of Association, and Equality in Employment and Occupation. This research utilizes a juridical normative, descriptive approach and is supported by case studies as data support, and an analysis is carried out based on qualitative methods and legal comparisons.


Reception; Reversed Evidence; International Labor Standards

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