Group Investigation Learning in Developing 21st Century Skills of Elementary School Students

Lia Dwi Novita, Sarkadi Sarkadi, Arifin Maksum


The 21st century is a century where all information and technology is growing rapidly as if without a barrier that requires humans to have the skills to be able to compete in this century. This skill does not just appear in humans but through a process of habituation. This process can be obtained through educational institutions. The right age to develop 21st-century skills is to start when children enter elementary school age. Educational institutions through the teaching process by teachers will help students to develop 21st-century skills such as critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, communication skills, and creativity. These skills can be developed through an innovative, creative, and involving learning process. students are actively involved in the learning process. One of the models or methods that can be used by teachers is group investigation learning. Group investigation is cooperative learning that puts forward cooperation in teams to carry out investigations in completing the assigned tasks. This study collects previous studies on the application of group investigation learning in developing 21st-century skills in elementary school students. This study uses search data from Google Scholar through an explanation of qualitative metasummary forms. After carrying out the selection, 10 journal articles were selected to be studied in this study. The results of the analysis show that group investigation learning has a significant influence in developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, cooperative skills, communication skills, and students' creativity.


Group Investigation; 21st Century Skills; Elementary School Students

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