Fostering the child's Islamic Personality: Evidence from the Experiences of Career Muslim Woman in Watampone, Indonesia

Annaprimadoniati Annaprimadoniati, Aisyah Kara, Muh. Wayong, St. Azisah


This study aims to determine the implementation in fostering an Islamic personality for children whose mothers are career women at Watampone. This type of research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, which describes reality in accordance with the phenomena in the field. Sources of data are career women in Watampone, research instruments are observation and interview. The results of this study indicate that career women have succeeded in implementing strategies in fostering children's Islamic personality in the aspects of faith, worship, and morals so that even though the woman or mother has a career, it does not hinder her in developing her child's Islamic personality. 


Fostering; Children; Islamic Personality; Women

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