Analysis of Implementation Policies of the Bitung State Logistics Community Academy
This study aims to find out the Policy Analysis of The Implementation of The Bitung State Logistics Community Academy (BLCC - Bitung Logistics Community College). The research method used is literature study and classify existing literature to be analyzed and conclusions made. The conclusion in this study is the suitability of the Bitung City Community Academy study program in accordance with the regional potential, the existing study programs have received consideration from the relevant Ministry. marine potential, ports and the presence of industrial SEZs in Bitung and the Likupang Manado Bitung Tourism SEZ are potentials that must be considered to open and develop additional study programs in addition to existing study programs including tourism, trade, and services. High school graduates who want to enroll in AK Bitung City are quite high, it has implications on the increase of AK colleges, as well as impacting the excellence of Bitung city is the port city, industry and tourism. The improvement of human resources from AK Bitung city graduates will certainly be able to encourage the acceleration of Indonesia's economic development.
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