Implementation of Tolerance Value in the Family Environment

Pipiet Alifah, Erry Utomo, Otib Satibi Hidayat


The phenomenon is occurring in the field of family members recognize the basis of tolerance as a meaning of mutual respect for one another. However, the family is not familiar with the items of tolerance values as a whole. The purpose of this study was to observe, find out, and describe the application of tolerance values obtained by parents based on previous experiences which were then passed down in family education for children which included parenting, social interaction within the family, and character education. The method used in this research is a single case study with a focus on a single object (sample aim) on a family who lives in the BCI Flats, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. The approach used in the research is an intrinsic single case study. The result of this research is that the parenting style applied in this family uses democratic parenting. This is shown when the three children tell stories to their parents when they are experiencing happy or sad events. The language used by children in daily communication is using polite language. Children don't forget to say please and thank you before and after doing something. Implicitly the ten items of tolerance values have been applied in this family. The study concludes that the ten items of tolerance value have been applied by the family because this family has the seed of tolerance, namely love.


Family; The Values of Tolerance; Children

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