Indonesian Cultural Form in the Basic Level Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL) Textbook "Sahabatku Indonesia"
Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL) programs in domestic and international have become a medium for diplomacy for Indonesian language and culture on the world. Language and culture play an important role as a medium for diplomacy. Language represents the identity of the culture and related cultures in the substance of language. This study aims to describe the diversity of Indonesian culture in the basic level TISOL “Sahabatku Indonesia” textbook. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Sources of data in this study are documents, namely basic level TISOL “Sahabatku Indonesia” textbooks. Data collection techniques using content analysis. Technique validity of data in this study using triangulation theory. Data analysis techniques using interactive data analysis techniques. The results show that in the basic level TISOL “Sahabatku Indonesia” textbook (TISOL 1, 2) there are 16 forms of Indonesian culture, 4 data are in the form of mentifak, 5 data are in the form of socio-cultural forms, and 7 data are in the form of cultural artifacts. Studying culture is tantamount to explore how cultural meaning is symbolic in language as a sign system.
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