The Impact of Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19) on Multicultural Life in Tanjung Benoa, Bali

I Wayan Deddy Sumantra, I Made Suastika, I Wayan Ardika, I Wayan Suardiana


Covid-19 has spread to various places and has had an impact on people's lives. Likewise, the impact is felt in the tourism area of Tirta Tanjung Benoa. The people of Tanjung Benoa are very dependent on tourism services. Since the emergence of Covid-19 on March 2, 2020 until now this pandemic has affected the tourism sector and experienced a sluggishness in tourist visits. Government policies in tackling the spread of Covid-19 as well as access restrictions and other policies have resulted in the closure of Tanjung Benoa tourist objects and destinations. In addition, community activities began to be restricted and social distress was tightened. The government began implementing policies related to large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), bringing social, economic, cultural and other looks. Social unrest began to emerge, Resistance and suspicion towards ethnic sub-culture in the Tanjung Benoa area have begun to surface due to Covid-19. This study uses the Triangulation method, namely: Observation, Interview, literature study. Analysis of descriptive data analysis. The findings in this paper are: Tanjung Benua is a multicultural society where there are four major ethnic groups that inhabit the area, such as: Balinese, Javanese, Buginese and Chinese. The consequences of the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic affect inter-ethnic relations that have been built for a long time. The policy of distributing social assistance to the community experiences various obstacles due to various factors so that the assistance is sometimes concentrated in several regions or in several sub-ethnic groups. As a result of this suspicion and resistance began to emerge.


Covid-19; Multiculture; Tourism; Tanjung Benoa

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