Countermeasures Corruption with a State Defend Leadership Pattern at UPN Veteran Jakarta
State defense is a concept closely related with National Defense System. Indonesian National Defense System bears following specific characteristics; universal, and involving all citizens, territories and other national resources. Meanwhile, corruption is the opposite of the nation's core values, which is against the national interest and the spirit of the nation, and does not stand in accordance with the noble values of Indonesia. Thus, corruption is a threat to the defense and security of our country. Corrupt behavior is a form of action against efforts to defend the state. The state defense program will emphasize the dissemination of the values of nationalism and love for the country. It is expected that the values instilled in the state defense program can prevent a culture of corruption from spreading to all members of society. Leadership is a series of leadership activities that cannot be separated from the position, style and behavior of the leader, as well as the interactions between the leader and their followers, in regards with the situation. UPN Veteran, which is a State Defense university, has met the aspects of consideration to become a PTN (public university) announced by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Of the three considerations of the conversion process from PTS to PTN, UPN Veteran has fulfilled two considerations, namely historical considerations and a special mission, by which UPN Veteran Jakarta has presented something novel that cannot be fulfilled by other public universities, namely as a State Defense university. The existence and progress of UPN Veteran Jakarta in the perspective of national character education is a necessity to be able to answer our various problems in society, nation and state.
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