The Discourse of the Javanese King’s Power in the Old Javanese Manuscript Serat Sruti Jarwa by K.P.A Santakusuma

Bayun Marsiwi, Susanto Susanto, Supana Supana


This study aims to determine the discourse formation process in Ratu Utama teachings in the old Javanese manuscript Serat Sruti Jarwa that contain a discourse on the power of a Javanese king to gain cultural legitimacy. This research is a descriptive qualitative study use a cultural studies research model on discourse from Michel Foucault. According to Foucault's theory, the discourse of knowledge through Serat Sruti Jarwa made by the authorities then understood by the reader will form a control of power because of the acceptance of the truth of knowledge in the teachings of hegemonic literary works. The aim of controlling the production of discourse can strengthen Javanese kings power and protect it from various threats and attempts to weaken it.


Discourse; King’s Power; Sruti Jarwa; Javanese Culture

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