What Are Indeed of Medical Words with the Seme of ‘Person’ in Uzbek and English?

Iskandarova Sharifa Madvalievna, Kosimova Feruza Khursanali


The article depicts a paradigmatic and semantic view of terms with the meaning of ‘person’ in Uzbek and English languages. The writer classifies all these medical terms and gives a contrastive analysis of them. Consequently, it has revealed a lingua-culture of both nationalities. To prove the ideas, the researcher turned to the literary works, dictionaries, web sites, and cited typical examples from them. The novelty of the research was that this work is one of the first ones done in this field. Since, it offers the analysis of medical terms with the seme of 'person' from paradigmatic, semantic point of view in contrast.


Medical Lexicon; Caregivers; Patient; Third Person

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i5.2629


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