The Different Effects of Massed and Distributed Practice Method on Soccer Players’ Dribbling Skill
Investigation of the different effects of massed and distributed practice method on soccer players’ dribbling skill is important to assess which practice method is more effective in enhancing players’ dribbling skill. The research samples consist of players in SSB Junior Soccer Academy (JSA) Squad 2021. The samples are divided into two groups; Group 1 employs the distributed practice method and Group 2 employs the massed practice method. Analysis of the data shows that: (1) massed practice method and distributed practice method yield significantly different effects on players’ dribbling skill (t-count = 0.5452 and t-table = 2,145 with a significance rate of 5%) and (2) dribbling drills using the lateral foot significantly enhance players’ dribbling skill compared to the massed dribbling practice method. The final result of this research shows that players in Group 1 have their dribbling skill improved by 22.020% while players in Group 2 have theirs improved by 11.448%.
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