Directive Speech Act in Learning Indonesia at Vacational School 1 Kefamenanu

Siprianus Nahak, Sarwiji Suwandi, Nugraheni Eko Wardani


Directive speech act in learning is a language act that pays attention to the conversation context. Its conversation context deals with who, to whom, what, and how the speech is conveyed. Therefore, it becomes an attention for teachers and students in the learning process. This research was conducted to describe the directive speech act between the teacher and the students and students in learning Indonesian at Vocational School 1 Kefamenanu. This study aimed to determine directive speech acts in the Indonesian learning process at Vocational school 1 Kefamenanu. The method used descriptive qualitative research. The object of this research was the utterance between teachers and students and among students. This study's subjects were teachers and students involved in the Indonesian learning process at Vocational school 1 Kefamenanu. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by observation, recording, and note-taking. This research's data analysis technique was to describe the recording results, data reduction, data interpretation, and conclude. The results of the study at Vocational school 1 Kefamenanu showed that the use of directive speech acts carried out by teachers and students was more dominant than the teacher. It happened because the teacher is a good illustration in speaking and being polite in language.


Directive Speech Act; Learning Indonesian

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