About the Activity of "Fergana Rare Metal Mining Society"

Turayeva Sayyora Rustambayevna


It was founded in 1908 in Central Asia, in particular in Fergana Valley, in the deposits "Tuya-Moyin" and "Jil Bulak", rare metals mining - in addition to copper, radioactive chemical elements such as uranium, vanadium, radium, provided information about “Fergana rare metal mining society”. The charter of the “Fergana rare metal mining society” was also analyzed. “Fergana rare metal mining society” was founded by railway engineer Sergei Egorovich Palashkovsky and mining engineer Kh.I. Antonovich. During the “Fergana rare metal mining society’s existence from 1908 to 1918, the “Fergana rare metal mining society” mined 820 tons of ore, out of which 655 tons were shipped to St. Petersburg and uranium and vanadium preparations were processed and exported to Germany. In the 70s and 80s of the XIX century - early XX century, foreign investment was widely attracted, especially in the field of copper mining. The article analyzes the fact that the deposits in Fergana are one of the first uranium deposits in the Russian colony and have their own advanced experience.


Mining; Fergana Valley; Rare Metals; Joint Stock Company; Copper; Uranium; Vanadium; Radium; Tuya-Moyin; Jil-Bulak; Deposits; Charter; Minerals

Full Text:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i3.2486


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