The Political-Religious Role of Abu Bakr Hasiri Sistani Faqih Shafei in the Court of Ghaznavid Based on Two Literary and Historical Sources

Doostali Sanchooli, Seyyed Baqer Hosseini


Common interests emerged between religious leaders and rulers according to propagation of Islam and the close relationship between politics and religion in Iran. One of the personalities who had both of the two elements of politics and religion is Khajeh Abu Bakr Hassiri, the great jurisprudent of the Shafei religion in Sistan and the eastern countries of Iran, who entered the court of the Ghaznavids and enjoyed a high position. He was a special counsellor for Sultan in political and religious affairs. Given this issue, this study is in line with the answer to this main question: what political and religious role did Abu Bakr Hasiri, as the counsellor and the great jurisprident of the Shafei religion in eastern Iran, play in the court of the Ghaznavids? We assume that he played a key and influential role in the court of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and his son, Sultan Massoud. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on two literary and historical sources (Divan Farrokhi Sistani and Beyhaqi history). Due to the connection between politics and religion and the role of jurisprudents and religious leaders in legitimizing the rulers, Khajeh Abu Bakr Hassiri has greatly contributed to the political strategy of the Ghaznavid rulers to legitimize their political and religious views in public opinion, also, the support of the Ghaznavi rulers from Khajeh Abu Bakr and his religious ideas have played an important role in propagation the Shafi religion and marginalizing his religious rivals.


Ghaznavids; Relationship between Politics and Religion; Khaje Abu Bakr Hassiri; Farrokhi Sistani; Beyhaghi History

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