Executorial Strength of Community Communication Services Recommendations in Settlement of Case Assumptions of Human Rights Violations

Muhammad Fitrahurrahman Gaffar, Gatot Dwi Hendro Wibowo, RR. Cahyowati


The research goal was to analyze the executive power of a recommendation for public communications services to protect human rights. This type of research is normative legal research with a conceptual, legal and historical approach, using primary, secondary and tertiary legal material. The legal material obtained was processed and analyzed normatively. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the regulation of the executive of a recommendation for community communication services is regulated in No. 32 of 2016, as an attempt by the government to encourage the resolution of alleged human rights violations as a form of protection and compliance with human rights. The existence of community communication services in resolving allegations of human rights violations has no permanent legal force (enforceable title), but rather the power of coordination and communication in bridging the reported party and authorities suspected of committing human rights violations, which to be resolved in stages, as set out in the Flow Guidelines Dealing with human rights issues by the Yankomas Implementation Team in the regions


Executive Power; Community Communication Service Recommendations; Human Rights Abuses

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i3.2413


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