The Value of Kindness and Responsibility Character Education in Teacher-Student Relationships in the Novel of Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata
Character education is an effort to reinforce character values to create Indonesia's golden generation. This study aimed to describe and explain the educational value of goodness and responsibility character in the novel of Guru Aini. The data in this study are data on the values of character education in the form of dialogue quotes, sentences, and paragraphs in novels. The data source is the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata. The data collection technique which is used is documentation techniques with reading, recording, and assessment activities. The validation technique used theory triangulation and data triangulation. The data analysis technique used an interactive model analysis technique which includes three components, namely: (1) data reduction; (2) data presentation; and (3) drawing conclusions. The results showed that the novel contains the educational value of good character related to giving, such as giving appreciation, forgiveness, knowledge, and goods. Meanwhile, the educational value of the responsibility character reflected that a more responsible attitude as a teacher and a student. The novel of Guru Aini can be used as a media for giving the values of character education.
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