The Role of Stakeholders in the City Branding Policy “Madiun Karismatik” Madiun City Government
Conducting branding is now increasingly needed in government management. The main purpose of city branding is to bring out the regional identity and place a certain positioning of the area in order to compete with other regions. For a city branding strategy to be successful, it must involve various stakeholders in the city / region. City stakeholders are defined through the ABCGM concept, namely Academics, Business Sector, Communities, Government, and Media. Madiun City as one of the developing cities in the western part of East Java Province also develops city branding as a way to increase regional competitiveness in front of other regions. Madiun Charismatic was chosen to be the tagline for the city branding of Madiun. This study aims to determine the role of internal stakeholders of Madiun city in implementing the city branding strategy of Madiun City. The research method used is a case study method and uses data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and document searches. The results showed that the internal stakeholders of the city of Madiun have different roles in supporting this city branding policy. The involvement of the five internal stakeholders of the city of Madiun in this city branding program also complements one stakeholder with another so that it has a positive effect on the development of the city of Madiun.
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