Negotiation of Female Information Integration in Choosing Leaders (Case Study of Information Integration of Muslimat NU in Choosing Khofifah Indar Parawangsa as Governor of East Java in Magetan)
Politics and women are the main discourse now never ending. Politics as an instrument for recruiting leaders must deal with various factors, including from a religious perspective. Among the jurists, it is almost agreed that a woman is not allowed or prohibited to become a head of state, because she is identical to an imam or caliph. The prohibition of women from becoming heads of state is a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari from Abu Bakrah; Prophet SAW. said when he heard that the Persians adopted the daughter Kisra after her death as ruler. "It will never be fortunate for a people to hand over their power (government) to a woman". Islamic Sharia is very clearly stated in the Al Quran. Islam does not allow public leadership, such as: president, governor, regent or the like are held by women based on various arguments mentioned in the Qur'an and sunnah including the letter an Nisa which means "Men are men. is a leader for women? ". The above argument strongly emphasizes that women do not have the slightest opportunity as leaders, even within the scope of regional heads. In addition, the identity of women's communication in politics is still based on the stigma of ascribed status not because of Achievement status. However, the election of Khofifah Indar Parawangsa, whose knowledge is that she is a woman is contrary to this argument. In fact, he was able to be elected Governor of East Java and was able to be accepted by Muslimat NU, especially in the Magetan area. This makes the author want to further investigate the phenomenon that occurs. The research was conducted using qualitative research, namely research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken from people and observable behavior. According to the research, it was found that in the negotiation of women's information integration in choosing leaders, there were valence and assessment weights.
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