The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Leader Member Exchange to Change Commitment with Work Motivation as Mediator
This study aims to obtain a model of the structural relationship between change commitment, work motivation, job satisfaction and leader member exchange in BPJS Health Jakarta. The variables in this study are exogenous variables consisting of job satisfaction and leader member exchange, the mediator variable is work motivation and the endogenous variable is change commitment. As a hypothesis in this study is a theoretical model of the effect of job satisfaction and leader member exchange on change commitment with work motivation as mediator match (fit) with empirical data on BPJS Health employees in Jakarta. The research subjects were 250 BPJS Health employees in Jakarta. The data collection technique was carried out with the Hersovitch and Meyer's Commitment for Organizational Change Scale, the work motivation scale constructed by the author, the Job Satisfaction Scale from Janićijević, Kovačević and Petrović, and the LMX Scale from Greguras and Ford. The data analysis technique was carried out using SEM (Structural Equation Model) which processing was carried out using the Lisrel (Linear Structural Relationship) program. The results showed that the theoretical model of the effect of job satisfaction, leader member exchange to change commitment with work motivation as mediator matched (fit) with empirical data, with NFI values of 0.97, CFI of 0.98 and RFI of 0.96.
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