The Semantic Transcendence of the Word “Ḍāl” in the Verse 7 of Surah Ḍuḥā and Its Effect on the Interpretation of the Verse
The attribution of the word “ḍāl” to the Messenger of God in the verse 7 of Surah Al-Ḍuḥā (وَ وَجَدَکَ ضَالا فهدی ) caused some commentators to present their interpretations contrary to the dignity of the Prophet in terms of the literal meaning of the word. Another group rejected this interpretation, interfering with the appearance of the verse to solve the problem. They tried to adapt the meaning of the verse with the accepted principles regarding the infallibility of the prophets through considering the permissibility, omission or concealment in the verse. Paying attention to the existence of semantic changes in the Qur’anic verses and introducing a special type of semantic changes in the Qur’anic words called semantic transcendence, the present paper seeks to show that understanding and interpreting such verses may be achieved by a useful method without changing the appearance of the verse. So the semantic transcendent approach and the methodical process of achieving the further meaning will clarify that the word “ḍāl” in the verse means a kind of semantic change called transcendence and indicates to a real meaning but beyond its literal meaning. Achieving this transcendent meaning, which is done by following the continuous and discontinuous evidences, will make it clear that the appearance of this verse not only does not contradict the dignity and infallibility of the Prophet, but also expresses a transcendent meaning compatible with the meanings transcendent and according to Qur’anic allusions and truths.
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