Niche Market Analysis on Local Television Through Media Ecology Approach

Lalu Ramli N, Sulhaini Sulhaini, Lalu M. Furkan


The broadcasting law number 32, 2002 provides space for developing local broadcasting institutions in the regions, including the Local Public Broadcasting Institute (LPPL) Selaparang TV. On the other hand, the proliferation of local TV also raises many doubts because its competition is also increasing. As a business entity, local televisions face many challenges. Local televisions and other industries need the income that supports its survival as part of the media industry. With a limited source of media income, local television existence inevitably is threatened. Moreover, there are not many large industries or companies in Nusa Tenggara Barat province that can support local broadcasting institutions' sustainability. This phenomenon is interesting to study how local TV can survive in a competitive broadcasting industry with limited advertising sources. The object of this research took one of the local TV stations in East Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat province, namely the Local Public Broadcasting Institute (LPPL) Selaparang TV. The data analyzed relied on a media ecology approach. The method used to analyze the data from fieldwork is a descriptive qualitative approach


Local TV; Selaparang TV; Niche Market Theory; Media Ecology

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