Juridical Review on the Granting of Land Rights to Transmigration Citizens in Labuan Kuris Village, Lape District, Sumbawa District, Indonesia
This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of granting land rights to transmigrants in Labuan Kuris Village, Lape District, Sumbawa Regency, as well as the obstacles in the process of granting rights and how the government tries to grant rights to transmigrated citizens. The research method used qualitative methods with descriptive qualitative analysis. This type of research used in this research is empirical research. The results showed that the implementation of granting land rights to transmigrant residents in Labuan Kuris Village, Lape District, Sumbawa Regency, was carried out in several stages, starting from the first through the compensation process provided by the Nusa Tenggara I River Basin to transmigrant residents, which was then carried out Cadastral measurement and soil inspection by committee A Sumbawa Regency Land Office. After the decree was issued, the applicant (transmigrant resident) brought the decree to pay the BPHTB and after all the processes were completed, a certificate would be made and handed over to the transmigrant residents. The obstacles experienced in the process of granting rights were juridical and non-juridical obstacles. The first juridical obstacle is the length of time to obtain data and compensation provided by the Nusa Tenggara I River Basin, and the second is the transmigrant area which is quite far from the Land Office of Sumbawa Regency. Meanwhile, non-juridical constraints are the occurrence of problems in which residents of Labuan Kuris Village control land that does not belong to them so that the measurement and data collection process takes a long time, and the last obstacle is that the community / transmigrant residents do not have money / funds in the process of applying for land rights.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i1.2372
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