Synchronizing Students Learning Styles in Promoting Learners’ Grammatical Knowledge; a Cultural Dimensions Study
This study aims to examine learning styles based on cultural dimensions theory’s hypothesis. The research focuses to investigate whether styles from cultural view provide an exact description of students’ learning styles and to describe the exactitude of current concept of the theory’s hypothesis. The study employs quasi-experimental design which clusters the experimental design into control and experimental group. In collecting the data, cultural dimensions questionnaire was used to determine students learning styles. As instructed by cultural dimensions theory, one group was assigned with students-centered learning and one was with teacher centered learning. One Way Anove test was conducted to determine the sample homogeneity. The statistical analysis uses Wilcoxon Statistic Test to compare the results of control group and experimental group. The result of experimental group shows moderate learning outcome significance compared to control group. The result is not necessarily significant but consistent. The study suggests that empowering students learning styles will help students learn better compared to conventional teaching.
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