The Effect of Innovation and Consumer Behavior towards Sustainable Fashion in the Era of Society 5.0 Students of FSR IKJ Product Design
Increased innovation in Indonesia has recently encouraged an increase in sustainable fashion in the era of society 5.0 where human and technology synergies can be realized so that society is more prosperous. In addition to innovation, there is consumer behavior, namely mass consumption needs to be reduced so that the production of products in the fashion world can have a long and sustainable life. The research was conducted from January to July 2020 at the Jakarta Arts Institute FSR, Central Jakarta City. The study population was 185 IKJ FSR Product Design students. Sampling in this study used the simple random sampling technique by lottery, while the sample size was 127 using the Slovin formula. The research scoring technique was carried out by determining the score through various questions asked of the respondents by determining the score according to the Likert scale. Methods of data analysis in this study using multiple regression analysis methods with the help of SPSS version 25.0. The findings of this research are (1) Direct influence of process innovation in fashion on sustainable fashion, (2) Direct influence of consumer behavior on sustainable fashion, (3) Direct influence of process innovation in fashion on consumer behavior.
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