Readiness of PSTE Students to Become Elementary School Teacher (Self Reflection Study)
The purpose of this study is to describe the readiness of PSTEstudent to become an elementary school teacher through self reflection study. The methodology in this research is qualitative with documentation dan observation approaches. The data source was PSTE sudent batch 2017 on President University, namely 4 participants who were chosen based on research needs. The result of self reflection study found that readiness of PSTE student to become elementary school teachers varies depending on their standard on self reflection. In addition, it was also found that there were two groups of PSTE students in this study, namely 1) a group of student who made self-calling as standard in their self regulation and 2) a group of student who made competence as standard in their self regulation. The readiness of PSTE student to become elementary school teachers could not be standardized by the self-reflection model because it was personal, subjective, and dynamic following the development of each individual. But, self reflection could be tool for helping PSTE student to prepare themselve as a prospective teacher in the future. The findings from this research can be used as a reference for teacher education program on enhancement PSTE student readiness especially on pedagogy and English language skills and develop habit of self-reflection as prospective teacher.
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