Study on Implementation of Inkuiri Learning Model Guided to Students' Critical Thinking Ability
This study aims to explore information about the implementation of guided inquiry learning models on students' critical thinking skills. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of literature study research. The sampling technique in this study used secondary data sources, using data analysis techniques, namely reduction, exposure, and conclusion. The result of this research is that guided inquiry learning model can improve students' critical thinking skills. Science as a subject that is often associated with current issues is very suitable for fostering critical thinking skills and one of them is to increase student motivation. The inquiry learning model is designed as a contributive learning model for students. Inquiry learning model with stages: (1) planning; (2) preparation; (3) group division; (4) discussion; and (5) exposure, those steps are able to make learning meaningful, motivate students, and students can reconstruct knowledge independently, and foster critical thinking skills. The use of the guided inquiry model also contributes to students' critical thinking skills which consist of inference, interpretation, evaluation, and self-regulation.
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