The Representation of Multicultural Values in National Mandatory English Textbooks Used in Indonesian Secondary Schools
In last few years, there are some critical problems such as racial discrimination, terrorism, and radicalism. The issues appear in many countries such as America, UK, and Indonesia. Multicultural based English learning is essential in promoting students’ sense of tolerance, especially from English textbooks. This research aims to investigate the multicultural values represented in the official English textbook authorized by MONEC. This content analysis research uses Bennet's four multicultural dimensions to analyse multicultural values. The results of this study tell that three dimensions of multicultural values occur from the textbook, such as (1) acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity; (2) respect for human dignity and universal human right; and (3) respect for the earth. The implications suggest that English has a progressively vital part as a lingua franca; multicultural resources from the inner and outer circle of countries are essential in EFL textbooks. As a result, it is necessary to add more aspects of multicultural values: the world community's responsibility, because it is less represented in the EFL textbooks.
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