The Influence of Communication Effectiveness on Performance Government Employees in Regional Civil Service Agency of Rembang Regency
This study tries to determine the effect of communication effectiveness on the performance of government employees within the scope of government agencies. Using a quantitative approach, this study used a survey method. Data collection using a questionnaire technique by giving a questionnaire to all employees of 48 people in the Regional Civil Agency of Rembang Regency. The data obtained were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the analysis show that the constant value shown by the regression of the employee performance variable is 19.154. Meanwhile, the regression coefficient of the organizational communication effectiveness variable shows a positive value of 0.519. These results indicate that the organizational communication effectiveness variable has a positive influence on the employee performance variable by 0.519. Meanwhile, based on the results of the test, the t value of 2.787 is greater than the t-table value of 1.684. So from these results, it can be said that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that there is a very significant influence magnitude value between the organizational communication effectiveness variable on the state civil servant performance variable of 14.2% while the remaining 85.8% is influenced by other variables.
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