Teacher's Experience with Mobbing in Baku Schools and İts Consequences
The phenomenon of mobbing is one of the global problems of modern life which includes unethical behaviors such as harassment, isolation, humiliation, and psychological violence. Mobbing is also occurring in the teaching staff and if mentioned behaviors used continuously, mobbing has a negative impact on the physical and mental health of humans. The study aimed to determine the mobbing behaviors and the characteristics of their impact on teachers. The research sample consisted of 202 teachers working in Baku schools in Azerbaijan. In the survey, Likert scale questionnaires were used as a data collection tool. The findings suggest that it is a mobbing behavior that teachers are most exposed is the "underestimation of work". Most of the negative effects of mobbing on teachers were the work-related effects. It was determined that single teachers compared to married teachers are more exposed to mobbing. Also,was found a statistical difference between work experience and mobbing. In data analysis, a positive and significant relationship was found between mobbing and the negative effects of mobbing ( r=,444; p< .01). If the level of mobbing increases, it becomes a dangerous situation. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to this actual problem and follow recommendations to fight with mobbing and prevent its consequences.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i1.2303
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