Changes in the Legal Agency Status of the Pakuan Bogor Regional Legal Company in Improving Drinking Water Services in Bogor City based on Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 Concerning Local Government Owned Enterprises (BUMD)
The idea of establishing a Local Government-Owned Enterprise (BUMD) departs from an ideological perspective regarding the concept of a welfare law state that emerged after the 19th century. The teaching emphasizes that the state must intervene in the socio-economic life of society for the welfare of its citizens. One form of intervention is through the authority to form State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) at central level and Local Government-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) in local level. The purposes of this research are, first, to determine the urgency of changing the status of a legal entity at the BUMD PDAM Tirta Pakuan of Bogor City into the form of Local Government Public Company (PERUMDA) in terms of Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Local Government-Owned Enterprises (BUMD). Second, this study aims to find out the prospects for changing the status of Local Government corporate legal entities drinking water from Tirta Pakuan Bogor in order to improve drinking water services in the city of Bogor. This study was carried out using two types of research method, which are: (1) normative juridical research by examining library materials which are secondary data and also called library research, and (2) empirical juridical research, also called as field research, which is conducted through the means of interviews as primary data.
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