The Interest of Young Farmer in Coffee Farm Enterpreneurship: Case Study in Tanjung Barus Village, Karo Regency, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the interest of young farmers in running coffee farming entrepreneurship. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted in August - September 2020 in Tanjung Barus village, Karo regency, Indonesia. The primary data were obtained by using in-depth interviews with key informants. Data analysis was done by using analysis flow with three stages: data condensation, data presentation, and verification/drawing conclusions. In general, the interest of young farmers increases along with the changing style of drinking coffee of the community showing that drinking coffee no longer belongs to old people. The style of drinking coffee in the café makes young farmers see the opportunity that they can manage to get greater added value. Some young people are even starting to see they can combine their coffee processing with ecotourism, which can increase the potential for profit making.
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