The Strategies Applied by Certified English Teacher in Teaching Speaking Skill (A Case Study at Junior High School Janapria in the Academic Years 2020/2021)
The study is aimed at finding out the strategies applied by certified English teacher in teaching speaking skill at junior high school and the responses of students toward the strategies. It is a case study of ethnography which was conducted at Junior High School Janapria in academic year 2020/2021. The research involved certified teacher and students of Junior High School Janapria as the research participants. Collecting the research data, the classroom observation was conducted to find out what teaching strategies employed by the certified teacher to teach speaking skill to the students as well as finding out the students’ responses on teacher’s teaching speaking strategy. The article exemplifies and explains the rationale of the strategies and the responses. The research finding says that the English certified teacher employs four strategies. The four teaching strategies mentioned as role play teaching strategy, think pair share, group investigations, and articulation drill. The use of those four teaching strategies shows that the certified teacher used active and innovative strategies in teaching speaking skill at Junior High School Janapria in academic year 2020/2021. The finding of students’ responses on the use of those teaching strategies were found varied and active responses which was indicated by various responses like students was enthusiastically speak English, dare to practice Speaking in English, dare to ask questions in English as well as giving the answers by using English.
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