Understanding Child Support in the Pattern of Child Protection based on the Principle of Child Protection
Children have human rights (HAM) as those of adults. Unfortunately, discussions regarding children's rights are not as intense as adult rights or women's rights. There are not many parties that discuss and take concrete actions related to the protection of children's rights. In fact, children are a reflection of the future, assets of family, religion, nation and state. This study aims to describe and analyze the meaning of child support in the pattern of child protection in Indonesia based on the best interests of the child. This normative legal research utilized a philosophical and statutory approach. Analytical techniques used to process legal materials were analytical prescriptive methods, hermeneutics (interpretation) of law and ijtihadi. The legal materials used were primary legal materials including laws on child protection and secondary legal materials consisting of all literature and publications relevant to the field of child protection law. The results showed that there are at least two meanings of child support in the pattern of child protection in Indonesia based on the principle of child protection: child support as a guarantee for child welfare and child support as a futuristic value in child protection.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i1.2260
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