Students’ Slang Language in WhatsApp on Effective Sentences: Sociolinguistics Review
The aim of this study was to determine the slang used by UMUS students in WA as well as the role of students in its application to the use of effective sentences. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The data collection technique used structured interviews. The data collected from the UMUS students who’s at that time communicated using slang and its application to the use of effective sentences both outside campus or during teaching and learning activities. Types of data and data sources obtained directly from the field interviews with the students who carry out their activities with WhatsApp (WA). The results of the research on the slang used by UMUS students in WhatsApp (WA) are: 1) colloquial slang, 2) variations from speakers’ aspects, 3) diction, 4) meaning in sentences, and 5) emphasis. The research purpose that will be achieved is that students are expected to be able to use sentences effectively in communicating both orally and writing. Thus, in their social life they can apply effective sentences.
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