The Profile of Students with Moderate Initial Statistical Thinking Ability in Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Statistical thinking is a thinking process related to the ability to understand how to describe, organize, reduce, present, analyze and interpret the data that apply the statistical understanding in real problems. Most students had a difficulty in analyzing and interpreting data. They claimed that analyzing and interpreting data is a difficult and complicated assignment since it needs high level skill, accuracy, careful consideration and objective attitude. If the data is analyzed and interpreted well, we will draw the correct conclusion. Mooney's research states that there are five levels of statistical thinking in a statistical thinking framework, including: level 1: Idiosyncratic; level 2: Transitional; level 3: Quantitative; level 4: Analytical, and level 5: Extended Analytical. This research aims to describe the profile of the level of statistical thinking of students with moderate initial abilities in analyzing and interpreting data. The subjects of this research were two eighth graders with moderate initial abilities in Junior High School of 1 Walisongo, Semarang. Think Aloud method is applied to collect data. The results showed that the level of students with moderate initial statistical thinking abilities was at level 2: Transitional, in which students tried to present their ideas through quantitative and subjective thinking, indicated by naive thinking, hesitant, incomplete responses in counting, and only focus on one aspect of the data display.
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