Analysis Study of Islamic Nomocracy and Pancasila Democracy in Indonesia
Basic Demand is a concept of a rule of law of a nation. An indisputable fact is that in all countries in this world, there is nothing that is not included based on their country, be they communist, liberal, religious, national, or otherwise. In a complete understanding, we can understand that Islam is a comprehensive religion; This right is proven by how Islam can parse and become a solution to various moral and material problems and includes various human activities in life not only in the world but also concerning life in the hereafter. According to the author's analysis, the term nomocracy is the most appropriate choice to be used in the term "rule of law", a version of Islamic law, not "theocracy". The analysis of this author comes to this conclusion because it is based on the principles of Islamic nomocracy including the principle of power as 1) trust, 2) the principle of equality, 3) the principle of recognition and protection of every human rights, 3) the principle of deliberation, 4) the principle of justice, 5) principles of the free trial, 6) principles of peace, 7) principles of welfare and so on. As for the constitutional state of Pancasila, it is based on the values a) divinity, b) humanity, c) integrity, deliberation, and justice. The occurrence of a combinative conception relationship; Islam, the West, and Indonesia led to the formation of the concept of the rule of law, Pancasila. Based on this understanding, it can be concluded that the principles contained in the constitutional state of Pancasila are part of the values contained in the Islamic nomocracy.
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