Development of Madurese Language Syllabus as Local Content in Primary Schools Based on a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Approach
Local languages learning as the local content requires renewal effectively, so the regional language as the cultural heritage can be preserved through to educational institutions. Based on this urgency, this research aimed to determine the procedure of developing a Madurese language syllabus as a local content based on the CLIL approach to make the learning process more effective in elementary schools. This research used research and development method which refers to the four stages of Lee and Owens (needs analysis, designing, developing and implementing and evaluating). In this research, the Madurese language syllabus based on the CLIL approach was developed and the product meet the standards based on the results of two experts (material and language) and four practitioners through test items, content, and face validity (all validators in each aspect agreed that the product was ready to be implemented in learning). Furthermore, the results of empirical validation through the student reviews in limited group trials were in the positive value (the acquisition of the percentage of each aspect gets very good interpretation), and the developed syllabus could effectively in facilitating the learning of local content of elementary school students in the district Pamekasan.
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