The Analysis of Conditions of Political Participation on Regional Head Election in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (OKU) 2014
The objectives of this research are (1) as a reference for the Ogan Komering Ulu Regency Government and interested parties in conducting studies on public political participation; (2) become data and information for the Regional Government and particularly the Research, Development and Statistics Agency in providing recommendations to related parties to increase public political participation. The designs used in this research are quantitative and qualitative. Respondents in this study are individuals who have the right to vote in accordance with the provisions in force. Respondents were taken in a limited purposive manner. The data analysis technique used in this research is interactive model analysis. The results showed that from the four aspects that have been stated above, it was found that the aspects of political awareness in three different districts showed the same score, namely the Good category. On the other hand, the socialization aspect by the KPUD in the three sub-districts is in the Enough / Moderate category, the percentage generated is in the same range.This study also found a peculiarity in the situation aspect where in the Lubuk Batang sub-district, both the percentage and the mean value were similarly low compared to the higher East Baturaja and Peninajian districts. On the other hand, in terms of the change in the election system, the Penininjau sub-district scored lower than the other two sub-districts. It can be assumed that the dissemination of information regarding changes in the election system could have been influenced by distance / location factors.
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