Dissecting the Nusantara Insight Law Draft: Strong Sovereignty and Nationalism in Diversity
The background that drives this research is the sixty-nine years ago, Soekarno was passionate about providing a geopolitical theory to ensure that the archipelago was one. The belief that the archipelago was whole provided a philosophical and legal basis for the inclusion of all the island groups throughout the colonial occupation into Indonesian territory. Geopolitics in the thought of the founding father goes beyond the concept of nationality developed by outside scientists, for example Ernest Renan, which only requires a unified desire to become a nation. Geopolitics, which later in its development became the insight of the archipelago, went beyond the concept of the desire to unite. The insight of the archipelago in the view of the founding father is a state destiny bound by the power of God Almighty within a scope of the archipelago which is intended for Indonesians, by God Almighty.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i10.2204
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