The Hidden Transcripts of Graphic Designer to Power of Agency in Denpasar City

I Ketut Sutarwiyasa, I Nyoman Darma Putra, A.A Ngurah Anom Kumbara, Ni Made Wiasti, Karolus Budiman Jama


The phenomenon of free design discourse raised by companies or printing agencies as a gimmick to face business competition has caused controversy in the graphic design field. Indirectly, this discourse affects the public mindset and becomes a negative stigma against the graphic designer profession. The free design phenomenon is considered to be a threat to the existence of graphic designers and we should stand to fight it. The formulation of the problem raised includes the form of hidden transcripts, the factors that cause hidden transcripts, and the implications of the hidden transcripts of graphic designers to agency power in Denpasar City. This research uses a qualitative approach and is studied with semiotic theory, discourse analysis theory, and knowledge power relation theory. The purpose of this research is to answer the form of hidden transcripts, the factors that causing hidden transcripts, and the implications of this hidden transcripts. The results of the analysis show that the forms of resistance media used by graphic designers are works of art and text with critical tones. This form of hidden transcripts is implied into conventional media and digital media. The factor causing hidden transcripts is the competition between two groups, the group that rejects free design (the idealist group) and the group that practices free design (the pragmatic group). The implications of hidden transcripts include: agents found this situation (competition), so that they can’t make a design for free again, hyperreality of free design, disharmony of relations between graphic designers and agents, and polarization of ideological battle arouse.


Hidden Transcripts; Graphic Designer; Power Agency

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