Auditor's Communication Identity in Carrying Out Audit Tasks
The purpose of this research is to find out how the identity of the auditor's communication when carrying out an examination task. The research was conducted with qualitative method using a case study and interviews for for collecting the data. The research samples were five auditors at BPK RI Representatives of DIY Province. The research concluded using four layers, which are the personal layer, enacted layer, relational layer, and communal layer cited from the in the Theory of Communication of Identity by Michael Hecht. The theory stated that participants' personal identity is formed by several factors i.e. self-character, code of ethics, and environmental factors. Participants demonstrate their code of ethics through the communication process between the auditor and the audite, which is then manifested in the form of behavior when carrying out the audit tasks. By understanding each other's identity, it can create a harmonious relationship between the auditor and the audite through mutual support between the auditor and the audite. The attitudes and behaviors shown by the auditors when conducting the audit tasks reflect the identity of the BPK institution in the community as a free and independent audit institution, so that the negative stereotypes of auditors are minimized. There is also an identity gap in: (1) the personal layer and the personal layer, the personal and enacted layers, and the relational and enacted layers.
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