The Influence of Work Discipline, Motivation, Job Satisfaction and the Work Environment on the Performance of Contract Employees

Baiq Lisma Rossalia Budirianti, Agusdin Agusdin, Surati Surati


Every company always wants to have quality human resources to support the company's success in achieving its goals. Employees as human resources are an important asset for an organization, institution or company. Therefore, it must be managed effectively and efficiently. The achievement of company goals or the success of the company is greatly influenced by the individual performance of its employees. Thus, every organization must strive to improve employee performance in hopes of achieving company goals. This study aims to analyze the effect of work discipline, motivation, job satisfaction and work environment on the performance of contract employees at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Mataram Branch Office. This study used four analysis tools for validity and reliability, tested classical assumptions, multiple linear regression analysis, Model Test (F test) and Hypothesis Test (t test) using the SPSS application. The results of the study using the t test variables of work discipline, motivation, job satisfaction and work environment showed a significant value smaller than 0.05, this means that the variables of work discipline, motivation, job satisfaction and work environment have an effect on employee performance.


Work Discipline; Motivation; Job Satisfaction; Work Environment; Employee Performance

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