Developing an Early Literacy Syllabus of Rejang Language as a Local Content Subject at Elementary Schools
This study conducted a research and development method with the aim of designing Rejang language learning as a mother tongue at elementary schools in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. The product designed was an early literacy syllabus for elementary school students at classes IV, V, and VI. The phenomenon underlying this study was the current reality that the presences of many local languages are abandoned in the midst of society. The most proximate indicator is that local languages, including Rejang language, are no longer used in familial communication. Such an empirical condition drove the researchers to design a learning product on the basis of early literacy in Rejang language teaching as an effort to preserve this local language. This study adopted Borg and Gall’s 10 developmental steps, and the data collection techniques deployed observations, interviews, and questionnaires representing the implementation of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The data were analyzed using means and percentages. The syllabus feasibility test involved three experts in the fields of syllabus and materials, literacy, and Rejang language. This study revealed that the syllabus feasibility test demonstrated the average score of 3.06 with a feasible criterion; the literacy feasibility test showed a very feasible criterion with the average of 3.48; and the feasibility test of Rejang language exhibited a very feasible criterion with the average of 3.75. The results of this study suggested that this syllabus was feasible to be used at elementary schools in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia.
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