Sexual Deviant Behavior Conducted by Student with Hearing Impairment in Special Schools in the City of Surakarta
This paper aims to determine the types of sexual deviant behavior committed by deaf students in special schools in the city of Surakarta. A deaf student is someone who loses the ability to hear either partially or completely due to the malfunction of part or all of the hearing aid so that he has difficulty communicating either with or without using hearing aids. The place used in the study in two special school in the city of Surakarta with a total of 31 resource persons. The data collection technique used an open interview technique. Researchers gave questions to respondents about what sexual deviant behaviors were carried out by deaf children. The data analysis technique used in this study was qualitative data analysis according to Miles and Huberman. Data analysis according to Miles and Huberman consists of three steps. The finding of this research indicate that there are sexual deviant behaviors committed by deaf students, both those committed by deaf students to themselves and those committed to others.
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